Creating space for wellness, clarity, and peace of mind

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Stillpoint founder Janet Curry, MA, MST, LPC, CERTIFIED MBSR & MBCT TEACHER and  

Watch an episode from the Pause To Elevate podcast here:  

About Us

About Stillpoint

Stillpoint was founded by Janet Curry, MA, MSt, LPC, to offer the most effective current approaches possible to cultivating health, vitality and ease.  We do this via two main pathways: group Mindfulness-Based courses, and mindfulness-based coaching for individuals.

With the unpredictable and ever-changing nature of the world never more apparent than it is today, many of us are experiencing stress on an unprecedented scale. We feel it financially, in our jobs, in our families, communities, and in our health—mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

In such a climate, the decision to explore ways of coping more kindly and skillfully with difficulty and dis-ease is not only pro-active but also wise. It is a way of taking charge of your own health and well-being—your own life—and of discovering and recovering your own inner resources for coping, growing and healing.

“If not for the point, the still point, there would be no dance, and there is only the dance.”   T.S. Eliot
What is


Mindfulness is a basic human capacity to pay attention to whatever is happening in your life as it’s happening—in this present moment.

Though we all have moments of mindfulness, often we are more familiar with mindlessness, when we operate on “automatic pilot” and are distracted from what is actually happening—both around us, and in our own bodies, minds, and hearts.  The good news is that mindfulness is already available to us by virtue of being human—it isn’t something you have to acquire, but rather can intentionally develop, nourish, and refine.

Mindfulness meditation is a practical, kind way of doing just that—of cultivating our innate potential for being present in and for our lives.  As a practice, mindfulness can help us to see ourselves and our lives with greater clarity and compassion.  Out of such clear seeing, we can learn to face each moment, no matter how challenging or intense, with greater calm, stability, acceptance, creativity, and courage.

The principles of mindfulness are woven into every aspect of Stillpoint’s individual coaching; intensive training in mindfulness practices is offered in the Mindfulness-based courses.

Stillpoint Mindfulness Training

Mindfulness Courses

ALL Mindfulness-based courses currently held LIVE-ONLINE!

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course

Learn to cope with stress more effectively in this 8-week group program that teaches practical methods for calming the mind.

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Course

This evidence-based group program is aimed at preventing depressive relapse and reduces depression and anxiety.

MBSR Teacher Training Program

An opportunity to deepen your practice, use mindfulness with greater precision in your work, or begin a journey to teach MBSR.

Other Mindfulness-based Programs

We offer courses in Mindfulness and Creativity, Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, and more. Please check the schedule for details!

And more...

individual learning opportunities and resources

Mindfulness Coaching

Participating in coaching can be a transformative means of becoming more aware of who you actually are, what you love most, and how to embrace life from what’s deepest and best in you. Janet brings her decades as a licensed counselor to the exploration at the heart of coaching.

Self Learning

We would like to provide as many opportunities as possible for you to explore Mindfulness in your own time and your preferred format. In support of this aim, we’ve collected some resources for you to explore. Dip in and see what catches your interest and attention!

Mindfulness Lessons and More

Our Blog

Stillpoint Mindfulness Training


The MBSR class has given me “anchors” that don’t weigh me down, on the contrary, these “anchors” have given me a sense of “lightness” and “light” to illuminate when I drift into thought and away from being present, aware, and kind. This MBSR course has improved my focus/concentration, which has had a wonderful impact on my creativity, and productivity. These minutes invested in “body scans” and “sitting meditations” have helped me not only feel my body, leverage my breath, and notice my mind, but have increased my level of awareness of habits that no longer serve me.”

The MBSR class has transformed my life by allowing me to tap into the present moment and live a more enriched life with a fresh perspective.”

This course has helped me give myself permission and the grace to be aware of, present and kind to myself, which has had the added benefit of spilling over to my relationships (family, friends, clients, and students).”

Janet is authentic and a very caring person. She is very knowledgeable and shares her gift unselfishly. She is very approachable and accessible to all of her students. She made the MBSR program easy to understand and our time together went by too quickly. I will miss our weekly sessions but until we meet again, thank you!” GD

After taking this course with Janet, I unequivocally believe in the power of a daily mindfulness practice. I’ve developed a greater capacity to live in the present moment and to actively cultivate joy in my life. I’m more aware of my habitual stress reactions, and, as a result, I’m less apt to get tangled up in these maladaptive responses. Instead, I feel a sense of peace knowing that I have choices regarding how I handle stress, tension, and negative thinking. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning how to lead a more mindful and intentional life.” JM

This MBSR course has helped me experience peace and calm by gently questioning my perceptions and beliefs. Janet helped me understand mindfulness and meditation through research, poetry, breathing, scanning, and noticing one practice and one day at a time. Her guidance and presence is not only comforting and supportive, but her teachings inspired me to learn more, implement what I learned, and practice, practice, practice.” RO

MBSR found me just at the right time. I hadn’t been looking, but when the opportunity arose it felt naturally right for me. These 8 weeks have brought the pure joy of realization of the different choices I have that I couldn’t see before.” YM

The MBSR class has allowed me to live a more enriched life. Not only did the class teach me how to handle my anxiety but also to embrace my relationships in life. I have a fresh perspective on how to love what I love. It truly was the highlight for 2020 for me and the best gift to myself ever.” MP

“There is something very empowering to know that you are creating positive change in your health at the cellular level. This course takes you inside and helps you understand the vast resources you have available to you – just by sitting down, listening, and observing.” PS

“This class is like finding an open, airy atrium in my house that I hadn’t previously known – one with a labyrinth, a waterfall, and a cosmic observatory. There’s enough here to explore for a lifetime.”

“I loved this class and am looking forward to hearing about future classes. Thank you for MBSR!!!”

“Janet, you are a treasure, and I am so grateful for your time and care in stewarding our group through this indispensable course!”

“MBSR is a from-the-bottom-up, deep, informative, clear 8 week course, accepting all as they are. A nurturing pod to open up to whatever presents itself. Janet guided us through this experience with great knowledge, wisdom and warmth.”

“Janet brings an embodied care to the class that is a testament to her years of being in this practice. Every Tuesday I basked in the warmth of the practice, the community with others, and the care with which Janet so lovingly served this important work.”

“MBSR has given me the gift of infusing my everyday, mundane moments with mindfulness and wonder. Janet is an incredibly kind and compassionate guide, and she has taught me how to take my practice off  the cushion and into real life.” -LK 

“I would highly recommend Janet Curry’s MBSR course to any and all  practitioners, whether you are just beginning your meditation journey or you  are a seasoned meditator. Janet’s compassionate teaching and deep  insights helped my personal practice bloom in ways I did not anticipate. I  will be forever grateful for Janet, this course and for the many amazing  humans who tenderly held space for one another as we navigated the  waters of mindfulness together.” – K. Hughes  

“Participating in MSBR led by Janet is like coming home to yourself. I love the way Janet weaves the class, the materials, poetry, and body practices together. A gentile allowing. A settling of the nervous system. This class will  benefit everyone.” Michelle Ricci  

“Janet’s kind and loving support, as well as her professional guidance  through this course has taught me more than I could possibly put in words. My heart is full with kindness and gratitude. I have learned with my heart, for my life. I feel honored to have had the chance to share this space with Janet, who has deeply inspired my journey and healing process.” -Laura L.

“This class is terrific for those new to mindfulness but also of value to those familiar with mindfulness practice. Janet’s thoughtful, kind and dedicated presence creates the safety and opportunity to explore one’s experiences  and to be reminded to rest in what is present, whether joyful or sad, expansive or constrictive, easy or painful. We are reminded that mindfulness is not a practice but a way of living in each moment.” – RL

“Janet is amazing! She is gentle and yet dynamic. She has a presence and yet isn’t in need of any accolades or being in center light. I felt her deep GENUINE care for ALL BEINGS present in the course.”

“MBSR found me just at the right time. I haven’t been looking but when the opportunity arises it felt naturally right for me. These 8 weeks are pure joy of realization of the different choises I have that I couldn’t see before.”  – Yehudit

“The MBSR class has allowed me to live a more enriched life. Not only did the class teach me how to handle my anxiety but also to embrace my relationships in life. I have a fresh perspective on how to love what I love. It truly was the highlight for 2020 for me and the best gift to myself ever.” – Marsha Paquette

“After taking this course with Janet, I unequivocally believe in the power of a  daily mindfulness practice. I’ve developed a greater capacity to live in the  present moment and to actively cultivate joy in my life. I’m more aware of  my habitual stress reactions, and, as a result, I’m less apt to get tangled up in these maladaptive responses. Instead, I feel a sense of peace knowing that I have choices regarding how I handle stress, tension, and negative thinking. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning how to lead a more mindful and intentional life.” – Jackie McKeon, MBSR Student, Fall 2020

“This MBSR course has helped me experience peace and calm by gently questioning my perceptions and beliefs. Janet helped me understand mindfulness and meditation through research, poetry, breathing, scanning,  and noticing one practice and one day at a time. Her guidance and presence is not only comforting and supportive, but her teachings inspired me to learn more, implement what I learned, and practice, practice,  practice.” – Raquel Otis 

“Janet is authentic and a very caring person. She is very knowledgeable and shares her gift unselfishly. She is very approachable and accessible to all of her students. She made the MBSR program easy to understand and  our time together went by too quickly. I will miss our weekly sessions but until we meet again, thank you!” – GD 

“There is something very empowering to know that you are creating positive change in your health at the cellular level. This course takes you inside and helps you understand the vast resources you have available to you – just by  sitting down, listening, and observing.” – Pam Strand

“I don’t know where to start other than I am so grateful I took the MBSR course! The MBSR course has provided me with empowerment to catch and make decisions on how react to the constant stressors that life has in store. It has taught me to not be my own enemy.”

“This course was astounding. The benefits are numerous, each week building on the next creating this inner refuge to return to again and again. Offering you selections from a vast array of mental tools in everyday life, for the rest of your life.”

“Janet brings an embodied care to the class that is a testament to her years of being in this practice. Every Tuesday I basked in the warmth of the practice, the community with others, and the care with which Janet so lovingly served this important work. Janet, you are a treasure, and I am so grateful for your time and care in stewarding our group through this indispensable course!”

A from the bottom up deep, informative, clear 8 week course, accepting all as they are. A nurturing pod to open up to whatever presents itself. Janet guided us through this experience with great knowledge, wisdom and warmth.”

This course as an online course worked beautifully. I liked being with people from across the country and around the world. I feel like the group was able to be more diverse than it would have been as a class offered in my locale. That brought a great energy to the experience.”

“MBCT has helped me identify the ways I get stuck in low mood and it has given me practical tools to use to not only improve my mood, but help me be present for my life.” ~ Christie

“I loved this class. It has been a wonderful experience. MBCT has really shown me that if a classmate isn’t hard on me about the experience I am sharing, then why should I be hard on myself? I look forward to revisiting the class materials and practices and a future silent day. Thank you so much!” ~ Ashley

“I’ve learned to accept and allow my feelings and emotions instead of trying to ignore or push them away. I’ve learned to incorporate mindfulness as often as possible throughout my day to ease my anxiety. Using meditation practices has allowed me to feel more calm more often. I am now more aware of the warning signs to low moods and anxiety and that I can take certain steps to improve these thoughts and feelings. Meditation is now a part of my daily routine.” ~ MBCT Participant, 2021

“I felt that the MBCT course really allowed me to face difficult thoughts and feelings, and find–somehow simultaneously–both a closeness to and a distance from them. The skills learned can be applied even in times of tumult, and I’m comforted by knowing I have some more tools in my toolkit to address anxiety and mood troubles in my future. And I can’t say enough
admiring things about Janet’s skill, temperament, and aptitude as a guide in
the exploration of MBCT. I couldn’t have dreamt up a better experience, truly.” ~ MBCT Participant, 2021

“I feel less attached to the stress, low mood, or anxiety. It still feels crummy, but I don’t feel wrapped up as tightly. There’s “breathing room.” – Kelsey, MBCT Participant